一、z w b 什么啥意思啊。我女朋友让我说呢。跪求大家了
官方没有明确开头字母的含义,猜测B=basic 基本的;H=high 高级的;Z=zealous 狂热的。
[A] 指该形容词须直接置于所修饰的单词之后。
例 :( 正 ) the president {elect}
( 误 ) the elect president
( 误 ) The president is elect.
[B] 指该形容词只能置于所修饰的单词之前。
例 :( 正 ) the {front} garden
( 误 ) The garden is front.
[C] 可数名词。可以用a/an/one修饰,亦可加-(e)s构成复数,用few/many等修饰。
例 :{a/one}cat {a}desire {an}apple
three book{s} few factori{es} many idea{s}
[E] 通常不加the的名词。
例 :Whitehall
Santa Claus
[F] 指该形容词只用作或主要用作表语(predicative),置于系动词之后。
例 :( 正 ) John is {drunk}
( 误 ) John is a drunk man.
[G] 指后接单、复数动词均可的名词,如集合名词。
例 :The Government {has} already made it clear.
The Government {are} facing three crises.
[H] 指该动词常用被动语态。
例 :Please be seated.
[J] 指只与单数动词或单数代词连用的名词(其形态可以是单数亦可是复数)。
例 :Our clothing {protects} us from the cold.
Physics {is} an interesting subject and I like {it} very much.
[K] 指只与复数动词或复数代词连用的名词(其形态可以是复数亦可单数)。
例 :What {are} his wages?
{These} jeans {are} pretty.
All his cattle {were} grazing in the field.
[L] 系动词(linking verb)。这类动词与后接的表语(predicative)一起表述主语的特征或状态。表语可以是形容词、名词、副词,或介词短语等。
1. 系动词+形容词
例 :These apples taste nice.
2. 系动词+名词
例 :The hall would make a good theater.
3. 系动词+副词
例 :What's on tonight?
4. 系动词+介词短语
例 :She looks like her sister.
5. 系动词+不定式
例 :He appears to be sincere.
6. 系动词+动名词
例 :The difficulty is not knowing what to do.
7. 系动词+从句
例 :The biggest problem was that we didn't have enough funds.
[M] 单复数同形。
例 :This {sheep} looks small.
All those {sheep} are ours.
[O] 指该及物动词在宾语后尚须接副词或介词短语。
例 :( 正 ) The porter set the suitcase {down}.
( 误 ) The porter set the suitcase.
( 正 ) She set the child {in the chair}.
( 误 ) She set the child.
[O1]指 :动词+间接宾语+直接宾语
例 :He gave me the book.
[O2]指 :动词+宾语+有to的不定式
例 :I asked him to help her.
[O3]指 :动词+宾语+无to的不定式
例 :We heard them talk in the next room.
[O4]指 :动词+宾语+v-ing
例 :I saw him walking across the street.
[O5]指 :动词+宾语+that从句
例 :He told me that the problem had been solved.
[O6]指 :动词+宾语+wh-从句
例 :They asked her why she was absent.
[O7]指 :动词+宾语+过去分词
例 :I'll have my car repaired.
[O8]指 :动词+宾语+形容词
例 :He considered her suitable for the job.
[O9]指 :动词+宾语+名词
例 :I considered it a great honor.
[P] 指该词只用复数形。
例 :The proportion of students in {arts} is high.
[the P] 指该词只用复数形,须与the连用。
例 :{The authorities} in Russia have refused to compromise.
[P1] 指该词常用复数形。
例 :meat and {vegetables}
[Q] 指该不及物动词必须后接副词或介词短语。
例 :( 正 ) Phil behaved {rather oddly}.
( 误 ) Phil behaved.
( 正 ) The mob behaved {like animals}.
( 误 ) The mob behaved.
[R] 指该形容词可与the一起构成名词。
例 :{The poor} are getting poorer and poorer.
{The deceased} left almost nothing to his wife.
( 正 ) The mob behaved {like animals}.
( 误 ) The mob behaved.
[S] 指该词只用单数形,通常与不定冠词连用。
例 :Pride comes before {a fall}.
[the S] 指该词只用单数形,通常与定冠词连用。
例 :{The action} takes place in a small town.
[S1] 指该词常用单数形。
例 :They put him in a very difficult {position}.
[U] 不可数名词。通常不与a/an/one连用,无复数,后接单数动词,用little/much等修饰。
例 :{little} water {a lot of} salt {some} furniture
Air {is} a mixture of gases.
[W] 指该动词通常不用进行式。
例 :( 正 ) He knows how to swim.
( 误 ) He is knowing how to swim.
[Y] 指该动词的宾语不可以是一个名词或代词,但可以是从句或其他短语。
例 :Then, she added that she would call him again.
[Z] 指该形容词无比较级和最高级。
例 :( 正 ) a {dead} man
( 误 ) a deader man
( 误 ) the deadest man