一、中餐西餐差异英语作文 具体怎么写

1、What people like to eat depends on the environment and custom. There are two main kinds of food which are Chinese food and western food. They are different.


2、First, cook techniques are different. Chinese people tend to use stir-fry or quick-fry method. Western people like to have their vegetables or meat either steamed or boiled. Second, Chinese food and western food have their own characteristics. Chinese people think taste is more important. Chinese cooks always spend much time on taste. Western people think nutrition is more important. They have a balanced diet. Their food must contain vitamin and protein. Third, there is also a huge difference. Chinese people use chopsticks. They just use chopsticks to pick things and pass it into your mouse. Western people use fork and knife. They use fork to hold the meat and cut it by knife and use fork to help to get that piece of meat into mouse. Finally, the banquet forms are different. Chinese like to eat dinner together at a big table. Western people like to eat buffet. They like to eat freely.





The difference between Chinese food and western food.


中餐三种常用说法:chinese food;chinese meal ;chinese cooking

西餐:western cuisine

































The difference between Western and Chinese food

Due to historical, geographical, ethnic and other factors, the food and beverage culture of the East and West has a great difference, which is mainly reflected in the following aspects.

Material difference

Because the majority of our people in the diet by religious taboos are less, and people in the diet and like the adventures, pay attention to the matter so rare, so the Chinese choice of materials is very broad, almost flying, diving, animal, plant, do not eat. Western since the middle ages has been in the cultural spirit of religious constraints, coupled with due to the establishment of modern nutrition, compared with Chinese, western in selecting materials Limited, commonly used raw materials have cattle, sheep, pork, poultry, eggs, milk and other, on visceral very few options.

The difference between raw materials processing

Chinese chefs are very particular about a knife, the processing of raw materials into small silk, Ding, tablets, such as the end of the edge. While many kinds of western kitchen knife, what what swords is also very particular about but rarely processing of raw materials into small incision, mostly larger, volume, shape and other pieces, pay attention to shape.

The difference between cooking

Chinese food cooking using cooking pot, stove fire is suitable for cooking, method of cooking Chinese food so much fried. And Western cooking is pans, dark fire stoves and ovens with, but also a griddle plate, face the furnaces and other equipment, so the cooking method mainly is fried, roasted, stewed, braised, grilled.

Taste difference

Chinese dishes have obviously salty, and full of changes, most dishes are fully mature in consumption. Western dishes rarely obvious salty, taste change relatively little Chinese food, but the pursuit of the effects of delicious dishes, like steak, lamb chops, many familiar dishes like to eat five mature, some seafood also like raw. Again, Western food is very particular about the production of sauces, and a wide range, almost all the dishes are equipped with sauce, to increase the food taste.

Difference of staple food

The Chinese have a clear main food concept, the staple food with rice, flour and other products. And and Western food and no clear owner of the concept of non-staple food, bread and other pasta, rice often as a side dish placed on the plate next. Used less.

Serve the difference:

Chinese serving order should be: first on the cold dishes, drinks and wine, after the hot, and the staple food. Finally, on sweets and fruit. When there is a large number of tables at the banquet, each of the dishes on the table should be at the same time.

Serving in general are the following: one is to market the dishes on the, by each pickup; the second is by the waiter holding dish one by one to each sub let; three is with small dishes containing a person.

Western-style food serving procedure is usually: bread and butter, cold dish, Soup Seafood entrees, desserts, bucket, coffee and fruit. At the same time, a cold dish, soup, bread. Cold dish also called appetizer, as the first dish, usually with an aperitif and. Soup soup and cream soup stains. The main course is fish, pork, beef, chicken, etc.. Sweets often have ice cream, Boudin, etc.. Then it's coffee or tea. As for the fruit, can not be on the.

Western-style food serving order should be:

1 starters

Also known as an appetizer, generally divided into cold and hot appetizers, common species have caviar, foie gras, smoked salmon, cocktail cup. Butter chicken crisp box, bureau snail, etc..

2 soup

Can be roughly divided into clear soup, cream soup, vegetable soup and cold soup 4. Varieties oxtail soup, all kinds of cream soup, seafood soup, Clams soup, vegetable soup, Italian American Bortsch soup. French onion soup.

3 dishes

Usually aquatic dishes with eggs, bread, cakes boxes are called side dish dishes. Western style food to eat fish dishes to pay attention to the use of special sauce, a variety of tartar sauce, hollandaise sauce, hotels juice, white cream sauce, Archbishop of juice, American juice and sailors fish sauce.

4 main course

Meat, poultry dishes are the main course. One of the most representative is the beef or steak, meat dishes with seasoning mainly Spanish juice, thick sauce fine, mushroom juice, white nylon silk juice and so on. Raw chicken dishes from chicken. Ducks, geese; poultry dishes up chicken, boiled, fried, grilled, Jiong, the main sauce with curry sauce, cream sauce.

5 vegetable dishes

Can be arranged after the meat dishes can also and meat dishes on the table at the same time, vegetable dishes in Western-style food called the salad. And the main course at the same time with the salad, called raw vegetables salad, usually with lettuce, tomato, cucumber, asparagus and other production. There is a fish, meat, egg production, generally not flavored juice.

6 desserts

Western dessert is served after the main course, can be counted as sixth dishes. In the true sense, it includes all the main courses of food, such as Boudin, ice cream, cheese, fruit and so on.

7 coffee

Drink coffee with sugar and cream.